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Cover: One-on-One Combat in the Arena

One-on-One Combat in the Arena

Marc de la Béraudière's 1608 opus on justice, manners and polite society, One-on-One Combat in the Arena provides the fencer and the historian something more than simple advice literature. Positioned as a 'mirror for princes,' the text defies easy classification, seamlessly blending governance principles with courtly etiquette. Béraudière offers precise instructions for princely rule -- spanning duelling, justice, peacekeeping, and noble conduct -- the text concurrently serves as a guide for courtiers, defining proper decorum in the presence of royalty and peers. He explores concepts of honour, duty, justice, and mercy, providing a comprehensive framework for appropriate behaviour in civil and courtly society.

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Cover image for One-on-One Combat in the Arena

One-on-One Combat in the Arena

Paperback AU $32.99
eBook AU $10.99

A guide to why, when and how to lay down the challenge, and the etiquette and justice of duelling in the seventeenth century for the French nobility.

Cover image for The Archives of the Masters of Arms of Paris

Archives of the Masters of Arms of Paris

Paperback AU $28.99
eBook AU $10.99

The Archives of the Masters of Arms of Paris collects documents and anecdotes related to the guild which regulated fencing in the capital from 1567-1792.

Cover image for Fencing Through the Ages

Fencing Through the Ages

Paperback AU $24.99
eBook AU $10.99

Two of Corthey's influential books, a history of fencing and improvements to the dueling sword combined in one volume.

Fencing Manual 1877

Paperback AU $25.80

The Fencing Manual was the basis of compulsory training for the infantry and cavalry of the French Army in 1877 until its replacement in 1908.

La Canne Royale

Paperback AU $27.99
eBook AU $10.99

La Canne was taught in military academies and in public schools. This volume presents two mid-century methods for learning the canne.

The Art of Fencing

Paperback AU $23.99
eBook AU $10.99

Jean de Brye's manual for fencing coaches showing how to break down the discipline into four broad stages of development.

Secrets of the Sword Alone

Paperback AU $27.99
eBook AU $10.99

Henry de Sainct Didier's fencing treatise for transitional rapier first published 1573, the first fencing manual written in French.

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