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  • About LongEdge Press

    LongEdge Press is the name under which I gather all my HEMA and historical swordsmanship publishing and presenting activities. It is my imprint for self-publishing.

  • Who Am I?

    I am Chris Slee, a swordsman, historian and franco-phone with an academic background in Renaissance thought, history, literature and languages. I have fenced with rapier, sidesword, sabre and longsword 2006 and have competed in and marshalled at local and national tournaments. I have taught fencing internationally and currently run LongEdge Fencing in Brisbane, Australia.

  • My Promise

    High-quality and accurate translations of period French fencing treatises, training manuals and other books of interest to the historical fencer and HEMA practitioner. We insist that all translations meet two basic rules: 1) they must be easily readable in plain English, and 2) they capture accurately the message and personality conveyed by the author in the original text.

  • Want to Try Historical Fencing?

    Visit this site's sister endeavour, LongEdge Fencing, in Brisbane, Australia, a school of historical fencing dedicated to the style of swordplay described in period fencing textbooks written in French.